Based on the popular children cartoon Thomas the Tank Engine, Thomas & Friends Adventures! follows Thomas and the gang as they go around the world finding new friends and getting to know new tracks to race and play with. The free version tested only lets us play the China section of the game, but it is enough to have fun for half an hour and gather everything that world has to offer. Then, if you don't wanna pay for the full version, you can still have fun trying out new trains and creating tracks using the materials you've gathered so far. Now for the big question: is it worth the upgrade? Well, as it happens with these types of games, the answer is yes, if and only if your child is a very big Thomas the Tank Engine fan. If not, then there are plenty of similar games around to play with (Hot Wheels being one of them - here's our free-playthrough and review: 3.5 out of 5 Pandas.
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